Eating is meant to be an enjoyable and bonding experience!  

Is mealtime with your child a stressful activity for you and your family? Is he/she struggling with his/her eating, feeding, mealtime experience?

Eating is a complicated process that we often take for granted. It involves MANY of our senses and body systems coming together before the moment the food touches our lips until it passes through our digestive system.

This MEALTIME SUCCESS GROUP realizes the need to make eating a fun and functional process.  This group will serve as a positive mealtime experience and work on strengthening the following components necessary for a successful meal: 

🍓 Oral motor skills
🍕 Sensorimotor activities and pre-feeding work
🥓 Positive exposure to increased variety of textures and food groups
🥑 Optimal mealtime positioning
🍇 Suggestions to optimize digestion
🍔 Food play, prep and experimentation
🥕 Language expansion opportunities
🍦 Positive behavioral techniques to reduce negative mealtime behaviors
😋 Social skills that make mealtimes truly a blast

This virtual feeding group will be of tremendous service to your little one and your whole family’s mealtime experience!