Virtual Active Explorer Program

🚀 Look out for another active explorer program coming soon!


Week 3 Sample:

What is "Active Explorer"?

"Active Explorer" is a fun and engaging program that focuses on enhancing the strength, endurance, balance, and coordination of preschool-aged children. Our experienced physical therapist will supervise weekly exciting activities that promote physical development while keeping kids entertained.

Why "Active Explorer"?

  • Physical Development: Our program is designed to improve muscle strength, endurance, and motor skills in a playful and age-appropriate manner.

  • Healthy Lifestyle: We aim to instill a love for physical activity at an early age, setting the foundation for a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Fun and Engagement: "Active Explorer" offers a dynamic and enjoyable experience that encourages kids to explore their physical abilities with enthusiasm.

🚀 This program just ended. Look out for another active explorer program coming soon!