NO ROOM TO ROOM TALKING!!! Healthy Voice Habits to Incorporate Into Your Home

Authored by Elise Weinstein, M.S. , CCC-SLP, Speech Therapist at The Village Therapy Place

Does your child scream a lot? Are you concerned that this may hurt his voice?

You are right. Screaming puts a lot of strain on the vocal cords and can lead to physical impairments, such as vocal nodules (non-cancerous growths on the vocal cords that form due to improper use of the vocal cords).

One healthy habit you can implement in your home is no room to room talking.

When we talk to someone in another room, we have to raise our voice to be heard. This puts unnecessary strain on the vocal mechanism. Make it a rule in your home not to speak to someone when you are in a different room. Instead, find the person you wish to speak to and talk to them in the same room. You will naturally speak at a quieter volume and put less strain on your voice.

One note: we can’t expect our children to “do as we say, not as we do.” Model this healthy habit as well so your children will follow suit. Get the whole family on board!

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Who We Are:

We are The Village Therapy Place, a multidisciplinary pediatric therapy center located in Wyckoff, NJ- in Bergen County. We aim to provide integrative, neurodevelopmental, individualized, pediatric therapy in a warm, fun, and collaborative environment. 

We offer pediatric services that include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy, and DIR Floortime.  

 At The Village Therapy Place, we utilize current and evidence-based treatment techniques to help treat your child during his PT, OT, speech therapy, feeding therapy and DIR Floortime session. These include sensory integration, reflex integration, therapeutic listening, Kinesiotape, craniosacral therapy, NDT, BrainGym, feeding therapy, PROMPT, to name a few. 

Our expert pediatric therapists offer a variety of treatment options, including 30/45/60 minute sessions, group classes, at home sessions and virtual therapy to best suit your child’s needs. 

 The pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists & speech therapists at The Village Therapy Place are in constant contact with a child's caregivers to facilitate lasting change. 

Call us today at (201) 201-8220 or email us at to speak with a pediatric expert who will help your child thrive!